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Are you ready for storm season?

27 October 2021

Are you ready for storm season?

Preparation is key to help your home weather a summer storm

In early 2020, Qld, NSW and the ACT experienced one of their most extreme and costliest storm seasons ever recorded. With extreme weather events increasing in both frequency and intensity, experts are urging Australians to be better prepared.

In the warmer months (October to March), storms can develop with little warning. By doing some simple maintenance and preparation you can reduce the risk of damage to your home when a storm sweeps through - and help reduce the cost of the clean-up afterwards, too. 

  • Clear out gutters and downpipes to allow for effective rain runoff and check your roof for any damaged tiles or obvious leaks

  • Sweep debris away from drains and clear any blockages

  • Trim close or overhanging tree branches near the house (after checking with your local council)

  • If you live in a cyclone-prone area such as Queensland or north-western WA, it’s a good idea to fit permanent shutters or metal screens to glass windows and doors

  • For other helpful tips on preparing your home for a storm, visit the SES NSW website or Vic SES for flood preparation. 

If you live in an area that’s prone to cyclones, you should also have an emergency plan. If you don’t yet have a plan, the Australian Red Cross has helpful information that can help you put one in place. Your plan will outline the possible risks and hazards you face and how you can minimise the impacts of storms. Your plan can also help you identify actions and triggers for looking after children and pets during storms. 

When a storm is coming

When a Severe Weather or Severe Thunderstorm Warning has been issued, secure any loose objects and ensure your family and pets are safe and secure. Keep an eye on the BOM website or app for regular updates on how close the storm is to you or watch the storm’s direction and movement on the BOM’s radar so you have enough time to get inside safely. 

  • Listen to your local ABC radio station for updates. 

  • Well positioned sandbags can reduce the amount of water that enters your home. WA Dept of Fire and Emergency Services (DFES) has a helpful sandbagging guide you can refer to.

  • Put away any loose objects that might get broken or cause damage if blown around. 

  • Tie down, take inside, or fill with water, large, relatively light things like garbage bins, trampolines and boats.

  • Shelter and secure your pets.

  • Shelter vehicles or cover them with a tarpaulin or blankets in case of hail - make sure you have a full tank of fuel in case you need (and are able) to evacuate

  • If floods are likely, move outdoor equipment, cardboard boxes, garbage, chemicals and poisons to a higher place.

  • Fill your sinks and bath with fresh water in case you need it later for drinking or bathing.

  • Check your emergency kit (or refer to the SA SES kit list to make one).

  • If flooding is looking likely, put furniture, TV, rugs, books and art as high as you can.

During a storm

When a Severe Weather Warning has been issued by the Bureau of Meteorology, it is important to follow your home emergency plan. Staying safe is the most important thing, so avoid going out in a storm, especially if there’s strong wind and lighting. Keep your family and pets safe and secure indoors and keep away from windows until the storm passes

Know your local SES

Wherever you live in Australia, there is a state emergency service (SES) to help communities in need following extreme weather, bushfire or flood. In every state you can call 132 500 (except the NT) and you will be connected to your state or territory’s SES. If your situation is life-threatening, call triple zero (000).

Are you preparing for the storm season in WA, SA, QLD, ACT or NSW? NRMA home insurance offers many types of emergency support. When severe weather strikes, damage to your property may happen regardless of how well you have prepared - so make sure you are fully insured. Call us anytime on 131 123 to make a claim or to discuss the help you need. We’re available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.


Storm Season
Storm Ready